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lab Modus, founded in 2006 by Kevin Chang, is a collaborative design practice based in Taipei with extensive experience ranging from interior to architecture on different scale levels. As an architect and educator Chang is committed to the practice of architecture and interior design as applied research. lab Modus intends to define the uniqueness of our performance in the design profession. We see as mutually market demands and client wishes that enable our works and we aim for solutions in which our goals and our client’s wishes overlap. 

元澤設計由張祐銓主持設計師設立於台北,經由主持設計師對專案的詳細分析以及研究率領團隊達成設計目標。事務所同仁歷練過各種尺度的設計、規劃與施工,包括公共建築、高層住宅、集團總部大樓及各類型室內空間的規劃施工,我們的長期目標是對設計品質的要求,藉由這個理念綜合設計、科技及管理進而對設計 領域有正面的貢獻,業主的希望及要求是我們的原動力,希望每個專案是業主需求與本事務所設計及施工成果的一個完美結合。






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